
Taking time out...

...from actually making some beads to mention an on-line petition I've signed. I don't usually do that, but this is a very deserving one... Google "Pete Seeger" and read up on him, then go to this
site and, if you feel moved to, be counted.


I'm asked if I have an Etsy site. Yes and no. It's kinda on hold right now because I'm in transition from a desktop to laptop computer. Sound simple -- it's not. My camera has a SmartMedia card and adapter for a floppy drive. My laptop has no floppy drive. I'm sure there are ways of getting around this having to do with items of varying cost. Alas...unless my budget improves, that's not going to happen. I suppose I could rehook-up my desktop and do a camera-smartcard-adapter-desktop-borrowed.memorystick-laptop transfer... hang in there with me while my Prozac kicks in....


getting in gear...

I always have such good intentions. Today my intention is to clean the house top to bottom, brush both my cats until they gleam, update this blog, and make enough beads to cover my utility bill.

OK, so far I've updated the blog. It's a start. And in the classic tendency of the ADD-addled procrastinator, my next priority is to go into the workroom and make beads. I will feel guilty every moment because I'm not doing the first two on the list, but I've just got to stop that! Besides, I have what may be a brilliant idea for a series of beads, and I'm going to try to get it from my brain/imagination, down my arm to my fingers. That would be a change....


Introducing my work seems easiest by show-and-tell. This bead is what I consider one of my best...somewhat of a 'Wedgwood' style of bas relief. It sold well, and has appeared in Lapidary Journal and various other publications for which reprinting LJ paid me nothing (grrr!).

I tend to wander around my imagination, creating things mostly in my head, seldom doing as well in reality. That can really be a downer, since what may be perfectly fine suffers from grandiose expectations.

This is my personal favorite -- the irises worked well, and the hummingbird was just serindipitous...it sorta suddenly appeared, and needed just a nip and a tuck to make it everything it wanted to be.